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Currently Coveting: Rack it Up

We’re deviating from the normal routine, slightly, to introduce you all to Rack It Up, created by two fabulous female entrepreneurs Bri & Ali. We will bring you a fun & fabulous Weekend Recap tomorrow :)! Back to Rack it Up. This site is pretty much a sale lover’s heaven. It allows you to create an on-line wish list of items that you are coveting; and while many other sites allow you to do just this, the differentiating factor is that the site notifies you when your item goes on sale. Brilliant! How many times have you (okay, maybe I am the only person neurotic enough to do this) saved an item, frequently returned to see if it’s on sale, and then missed a day or two of checking, only to find out that it (1) went on sale & (2) is now no longer available in your size? One of the worst feelings ever (okay, well, this is in the world of shopping…).When you rack an item it allows you to select the exact color, size, and the best part – what price point you want to pay for the item. Once your selected criteria have been met, Rack It Up sends you an e-mail notification to let you know that your item is on sale or promo. Thanks to Rack It Up, I am less neurotic about missing out on some of my most coveted items!

Below is a selection of items that we have Racked Up! They are all “fall friendly” pieces that we’re not quite ready to purchase. We’re waiting for that inbox message letting us know that they have gone on sale! Head over to Rack It Up to create your own account and start saving. Be sure to follow along with our closet as well! I’m certain you’ll love it just as much as Allison and I do.

rack it up fall preview

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

This post was sponsored by Rack it Up