
Controversy: The Denim Skirt

denim skirt, leather jacket

I’ve never been one to want to “stir the pot,” or create controversy. Ever. Now, don’t get me wrong, my family might not agree with that. We’ve had our share of rich dinner conversations filled with “controversial” topics, always ending the evening with hugs, kisses, and “I love you” all around.

I shun controversy with those I don’t know. I prefer niceties and pleasantries over disagreements and topics that carry heat. I kick TJ under the table when we’re with people we don’t know that well and I feel he may have touched on a “hot” topic. Yet, somehow this skirt has managed to shake the pot. Feedback has been mixed. Some love it and some absolutely hate it. And I’m surprisingly okay with that. I smile at it. It’s slightly therapeutic, and I’m oddly thankful for it. I don’t know why, I just am. It encourages me to test those waters a little more… to go out on a limb. I read somewhere (okay, maybe it was pinterest like two days ago…) that “You’re not designed for everyone to like you…” and therefore, a little ruffling of the feathers now and again is okay I guess 🙂

denim skirt, leather jacket

denim skirt, leather jacket


360 earrings, leather jacket, denim skirt

denim skirt, leather jacket

360 earrings {Outfit Details | Skirt: Current/Elliot (cheaper options here, here) | Jacket: Old, similar here | Blouse: Nordstrom | Shoes: J. Crew (25% off) (also LOVE this pair, cheaper) | Earrings: Kenneth Jay Lane | Purse: Rebecca Minkoff | Moto Bracelet: c/o Geoffrey Scott (use code ITSYBITSY for 10% off) | Sunglasses: Old, similar here | David Yurman Bracelet | V Necklace: Gorjana | Pendant: David Yurman (cheaper here)}