
Cold Shouldered + Laced Up: Elevating Everyday

I’m having a little bit of difficulty concentrating as I write this post…. The Bachelor is on, and even though I haven’t watched it in several years…. I somehow got myself hooked this season, and O.M.G….. that’s all I can say. Period.

On a slightly related note though, I always love when the women aren’t all dolled up and just living in their everyday attire. Maybe it’s the natural beauty that I like to see come through, but there is just something about your best jeans and favorite top that can let the real gal come out…. Or, maybe it’s just because I’ve always been a jeans + tee kinda gal over a fancy dress….

Either way, I’ve found a few trends that really help to elevate that everyday look in a natural, and classy way. The open shoulder trend and lace-up option (if it’s not down to the navel that is….)…. both add simple details to any outfit…. no need for a bunch of accessories… toss one on and you’re pretty much ready to head out the door. When I stumbled upon this top (or sweater, I’m not sure which way I would define it….) I was sold…. the combination of both the cold shoulder and lace up trend made it the perfect grab and go option for any occasion (and in this situation, a casual lunch).

I’ve had my eye on a few other options, and in case you’re looking too, I’ve shared them here. I bought this lightweight cold shoulder option, in grey, with a gift certificate I received for my birthday… love the oversized feel… it’s comfy, cozy, and chic. I also love this lace up hooded cape (in black here) and think it would be great with a thermal layered underneath in the winter and then by itself when spring comes. This lace-up chambray top is a classic option, this distressed cold shoulder sweater is fun for casual days, and this ruffle cold shoulder top is super cute dressed up or down, for work or play.

{Outfit Details || Sweater (wearing S) | Jacket | Shoes (run TTS, super comfortable) | Jeans (similar) | Sunglasses | Bag | Necklace}