
Champagne Chatting || Monthly Q+A


Friday! We made it! Hope you all have something good planned for your long weekend ahead… sharing a Q+A today, hope it’s helpful!

1. How many days a week do you workout?

I workout 5-6 days a week with varying levels of intensity. Wednesday is typically a lighter workout (maybe a walk or walk/run, or a yoga flow) and Saturday is typically a little lighter as well. Sunday is my complete off day.

2. Winter wedding ideas? Black Tie wedding…..

This metallic dress is absolutely gorgeous! Also love this metallic twist front dress. A long black dress with a faux fur stole would be beautiful as well!

3. What is one area that you are most insecure about + how do you handle it?

Being rejected, which can sometimes hold me back from pushing past my comfort zones. I typically remind myself that the benefit of taking the risk typically far outweighs sitting in my fear. I think about things I was hesitant to do because of rejection… and they are now some of the best parts of my life (TJ, friendships, this blog, etc).

4. What color did you paint your master bedroom?

Paint color is Dunn Edwards Swiss Coffee. We painted the entire house this color.

5. Favorite places for mommy + me outfits?

I don’t do identical mommy + me outfits that well… but I have fun doing it with the girls. I LOVE H&M for exact matching outfits for them! Great price, quality, and are super on trend.

6. Did it take you a while to build up your tolerance post-pregnancy? Do you ever feel hungover?

Probably! But I started with a small glass here and there since I knew I’d be up at night (likely several times). We’re at a point where both girls sleep at night so I am able to get more sleep. I’ve probably woken up not feeling 100% several times, haha!

7. Maui hotel + casual eats? We’re going in February!

See this post!

8. Recommendations for cozy leggings that aren’t super tight in the waist??

Highly recommend these… a little expensive, but they are literally butter soft + feel as if you aren’t wearing anything. 

9. What are some of Harper’s favorite snacks/meals?

Harper’s loves string cheese (well, any cheese really), apple slices with peanut butter, any Annie’s Snacks (cheesy cheddar bunnies are her fav), grapes, pretzels, smoothie, veggie chips…

10. If you had to shop at one store for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Nordstrom. They carry so many different brands that I love and have pieces at all different price points. They have items for men + kiddos (which I need), beauty (they are increasing their selection of clean beauty lines as well), and shoes. They’re an easy one stop shop. If I had to pick a grocery store it would be Whole Foods.

11. Currently breastfeeding and need a good sports bra rec for running….

This one. I’ve been wearing it on all my runs… super comfortable with great support.

12. How did you grow your blog? I’m a newbie!

Very slowly. I’ve been doing this for almost 7 years (in January) and it just takes time. I wish I had a secret, or a recipe, on how to, but I don’t. There are days where even I don’t know what I’m doing, but I just do it. I think being authentic + genuine is key… and offering something for people. I also think staying in your own lane, not comparing + getting caught up in what everyone else is doing, is super helpful. Utilize social media to share what you have on the blog and to give a glimpse of what life looks like behind the computer.

13. Can you give some casual outfit recommendations for Thanksgiving get togethers??

I’ll have three styled posts up 11/19, but I love this midi sweater dress for a casual/dressy Thanksgiving, these jeans, sweater, and booties for a more casual Thanksgiving, and these ribbed pants + pullover, with this scarf for the laid back Thanksgiving.

14. What are your favorite ways to connect with Harper 1:1 these days??

These days it’s really simple + in small moments. When I’m getting ready we “get ready” together… she plays with my makeup and I do her hair… or we “play” doing each others nails…. or we run around and play whatever game she wants in the backyard. Soon I hope to start getting out and taking her on 1:1 dates.

15. Any tips for hosting Christmas + Thanksgiving gatherings??

We host Christmas Eve at our house and over the years it’s turned into a casual gathering. I get takeout Pot Pies from a local spot, make a dessert, have some wine… and we just hang out. I make the table setting nice and festive. I think the best tip I’d have is to just make it fun and comfortable for everyone… that’s how we are with my family and I love how relaxed it is. Everyone has a great time just chatting and hanging out. I always say good company, good food, + good wine make for a good celebration.

16. What is your favorite champagne??

Mumm Napa is one of my favorites as well as Veuve. I have a full post on favorites here.

17. How do you get back on track with healthy eating when you’ve totally fallen off the train??

Basically, that’s whenever I’m on vacation haha! So, when I get home from vacation I just pick up where I left off. I meal prep, buy healthy food choices, exercise some portion control. I think it’s important to have those indulgent times… holidays, vacations, celebrations… and not viewing it as a “fail.”

18. Any new updates on your nursing journey? Hoping to mix feed my LO!

Yes! So, we’re currently in the process of weaning. In all honesty, I’m surprised I even made it this far this time around. I wanted to stop around 2 months… I just felt as if it was taking away so much time from Harper. Yet, once I weaned out the bedtime feeding it somehow helped me to continue. Now that she’s 6.5 months, we’re at the beginning of the end. I no longer pump before bedtime and I’ve weaned out the 10:30 feeding, with the 1:00pm feeding being the next. She’s doing wonderfully! It allows her to connect with TJ + my parents, and has given me time with Harper as well. The best thing I ever did was say that this was going to be our families journey and not let it be dictated by what “should” be done.

19. What are your favorite pair of jeans for postpartum that aren’t maternity?? Help!

Jeans with stretch! These NYDJ jeans were super comfortable postpartum (they have lift + tuck technology in them so they looked great too).

20. What do you ask your hairdresser to do with your hair?

We do babylights and I ask for it to be in cool tones (I don’t like brassy/warm tones). We  tone my hair every time, and I use a purple shampoo with each wash. I also have one, long layer, and ask for a blunt cut.

21. How do you and TJ manage money? How do you guys split expenses? Sorry if that is personal…

So I know this is different for everyone, so you have to do what works for you. Yet, we see finances as a combined component in a marriage so we are both aware of what is coming in and coming out and have a joint account. We discuss big purchases and save for things together. Neither of us “control” the purse strings.

22. I need some baby name suggestions!

I’m not the best here! We had a few girl names and one boy name (a family name)… obviously Harper + Camille were our top two but we also really liked Clair + Penelope.

23. What’s your favorite easy go to dinner recipe?

The sausage dish we literally make every week. We bake the garlic herb sausages from Trader Joe’s, sauté zucchini, bell peppers, mushrooms, and spinach and serve over a bed of brown rice. So delicious and easy.

24. My family is having a family photo shoot next in December.  Can you please help me find a casual top (to wear w/jeans) and a dressier outfit to wear?  We decided on a neutral color pallet.

love this cream dress, I bought it to wear in our photos and think it’s a great dressier option. As far as a casual top goes, this ivory sweater, cream three button top, and this crochet white blouse (own and love) are all beautiful options.

25. How do you stay so fit and drink?? I’m struggling with this lately!

I keep drinking to moderation… primarily on Friday + Saturday… and if I have a drink during the week it’s a glass here and there.

26. How long did it take you to get pregnant with Camille and did you use any special tracking??

With Camille it took us several months with a chemical pregnancy. I wrote a lot about that in this post where I talked about acupuncture and using the Ava tracking bracelet… which I highly suggest. I was off by a few days in my tracking and the first cycle I used the Ava we got pregnant. Getting pregnant with Harper took much longer… and was a more challenging journey. I was on medicine, that I didn’t like, so I went off of it and started acupuncture…. after 6 months of acupuncture we got pregnant with Harper.

27. How do you manage staying in a hotel with two little ones?? Get a suite?? Hang in the dark??

Both, haha! Now that we have two little ones we always try to book the largest room that is reasonably priced. There were a few time with Harper where we had to just hang in the dark… and TBH, it was kind of fun… we had some wine + takeout and just chatted. We also find that VRBO is our friend with two little ones since having access to things such as a kitchen make life so much less stressful.

28. Do you decorate your home yourself or do you use an interior designer?

I decorate on my own… which means I probably make a lot of design mistakes haha! Interiors is not my strength, but I do know what I like aesthetically and just go for it. It takes a lot of trial and error… we’ve purchased two rugs for our bathroom and none of them have looked good. I’m sure if we had a designer it would be done by now. Oh-well…

29. I need recommendations for dressing for SoCal weather…. I just moved here from NY and I’m struggling.

Alright, so since our cold is probably warm for you (and you’ll see people dressed as if they’re headed into a frozen tundra in weather under 60… me included) I think a good leather jacket, suede jacket, and teddy coat are great for cooler temps. A few  lightweight sweaters are also essential. I invested in this leather jacket this year and love it… this teddy jacket is so cute… and this packable jacket is lightweight and great for SoCal….

30. Tips on sleep/feeding schedule for a newborn?

The last time I shared something on this topic, someone got a little offended. So, I now refer people to Kate from The Cradle Coach, who we used this time around. She was great, knowledgable, baby sleep certified, and helped us find a plan that worked for our family!

31. How do you find motivation to workout in the AM with a baby (who I assume wakes at night) and who watches the girls?

Both girls sleep through the night, but when Camille wasn’t I would just go right after her last feeding (which was around 4:30am… and ended around 5:30….). I figured I was already awake, and that I’d feel so much better getting my blood moving. I really feel like finding your “why” for working out acts as the best motivator. For me, I work out because it’s a way that I can invest in myself and center my thoughts for the day. I get a lot of thinking done in that 30 minutes to an hour, so that’s my motivation.

32. What made you decide to leave your MFT position and do this full time?

This was a decision that evolved over time. When the blog first started, I was working full time as a therapist and doing the blog at night + on the weekends. After about three years I started to make money and it was at a point where I was able to leave my full time job and focus on this. We waited for three months to see if it was sustainable before I officially gave my resignation. Being able to work for myself was always a dream, whether that was private practice or what, and so that’s why I ultimately left. And because I was very passionate about the blog.

33. What do you use for a carryon/suitcase for the girls when you travel?

So, we don’t have anything fancy. Harper takes her own small backpack and I take a diaper bag for Camille. They share one of the suitcases we have (I honestly don’t even know the brand) and I use packing cubes to keep everything organized.

34. Can you update us on your workout routine? What you’ve been liking…

Sure! I run on Monday + Friday, do a peloton workout on Tuesday + Thursday, and then a walk + yoga on Wednesday…. I also do some sort of strength training M-F. Saturday is usually a family activity… a walk, run, or hike. It works right now so I’m sticking to it!

35. How did you and your husband meet?

See this post!

36. Where did you get your MFT degree from? Do you plan on practicing again?

Chapman University… a small, private, liberal arts college in Orange County. Right now the blog is my focus. I enjoy it, I love connecting with people, and sharing experiences that help to build community. It was actually something I always talked about doing with my license/degree. I’m just doing in a different capacity right now and am grateful for all the support. At some point, I’m sure blogs (and social media) will become a thing of the past, and I’ll have to see where that takes me.

37. What makes you feel vulnerable?

Going out of my comfort zone. I prefer to stay in my routines, with the same people… anything that makes me feel comfortable. So, going outside of those established comforts makes me feel vulnerable. I try really hard to be aware of this, and to acknowledge when I’m taking the easy way out, and try to push past it.

38. How did you know you wanted to be a mom?

I didn’t. For a very long time I never even knew if I would want to be a mom. I knew the commitment being a parent takes and at times I questioned whether or not I would be able to be that dedicated to someone other than myself or TJ. I’m sure that sounds selfish to some people, but it’s the truth. I remember we were in the middle of trying, the first time around, and I was on all the medication and I told TJ I wanted to stop. That I wasn’t sure the timing was right for us. He didn’t initially agree, but now in hindsight, and seeing some opportunities that presented themselves in that waiting period, he agrees that it was the best decision we made. I eventually knew it was time when we both felt like it was a natural progression. We felt confident and comfortable in our marriage (and life in general) and felt prepared to bring another being into this world.

39. How do you practice having a healthy mind? Do you meditate? Positive affirmations? 

I love positive affirmations, or having a saying/quote that puts everything into perspective during a difficult time. Practicing mindfulness, something I wrote about here, is also incredibly helpful. Also,  taking care of myself helps to keep me mentally healthy as well. I wrote more about self care in this post.