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Celebrate Good Times…

Life is all about celebrating little victories. I’m finding this to be especially true lately. For instance, last night was my best friend’s 24th birthday. While she would argue that 24 is nothing special, we made it special, since she turned 24 on the 24th. Thus, it was her “golden birthday.” So we celebrated with good conversation and some drinks, cheers-ing to our friendship, health, and the fact that we get to enjoy a 24th year at all.

A few days ago I had a big presentation for school-my final one for the semester- which had a considerable effect on my overall grade. I was unusually anxious about it, but received incredibly positive feedback, offering me some much needed relief. My mom and I went to happy hour to celebrate a successful presentation, and the ability to breathe easily again.


Last weekend my girlfriends Nikki and Kelly and I went to the Grand Prix in Long Beach. Deciding to do something different after making it through a challenging week, we decided to wake ourselves up with the eardrum-shattering sounds of race-cars, and the community of new friends.


My point here, is that as a society, we are expected to do the best we can, all the time. We are expected to be efficient, and performing at maximal capacity all the time. However, rarely do we hear about how important it is to celebrate life’s little victories! Whether it’s a good grade on a test, wrapping up a project at work, or even something as simple as getting through a particularly rough day, it is so important that we recognize our own efforts and give ourselves a little credit! Many of my clients struggle with this, because they constantly feel that they should be doing more, more, more. However, without pausing every once in a while to pat ourselves on the back, we’ll burn out so quickly, and soon lose sight of why we are even pushing ourselves so hard in the first place.

So go ahead, indulge in a little celebration every now and then-whether it’s a celebratory drink, a sweaty, satisfying workout, getting out of town for the day/weekend, or an extra helping of dessert, celebrate life’s little victories! You deserve it!
