When I was younger, carefree embodied longer evenings, long days spent in the pool playing “colors” and “Marco Polo,” otter pops, and riding bikes back and forth between my best friend’s house (a mere three doors down, convenient huh?). The biggest worry I had was whether or not we could make s’mores on the BBQ and if mom and dad would allow us to night swim (who could resist the pool when it was illuminated with the golden glow of the pool light??). Likely we were indulged and the worries quickly assuaged.
Twenty years later, I’ve realized that creating your own carefree moments is a must. Finding simple ways to “feel light on your feet” and “without a care in the world,” has become a small mission as of late. It’s a feeling I was surrounded with last weekend. This exact moment was one of them. TJ and I sipped a little champagne on the hotel terrace, took in the sunset, and this spring dress, well, it made me want to do a hundred little twirls, and I haven’t had that feeling in a while. So, when a piece of clothing can help facilitate that adult carefree moment, it’s a keeper.
How do you find your carefree moment?? I’d love to hear??
{Outfit Details | Dress: Free People | Jacket: BLANK NYC | Shoes: Valentino (a similar design, in flats, here… I LOVE the blush color!) | Purse: Chloe | Bracelet: Gorjana (similar options, cheaper here, here) | Earrings: c/o Geoffrey Scott (10% off with code ITSYBITSY)}
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