
Barcelona Day 2 OOTD

blue leather jacket, itsy bitsy indulgences, sightseeing outfit

Today is the last day of our European adventure (insert sad face here)… We’ve had quite the time galavanting amongst three countries with four different hotels, four train ride adventures, and three different languages (the German in Switzerland really threw us for a loop…). Needless to say, it’s been fun.

As I mentioned here, we were fortunate enough to have some pretty decent (exceptional) weather when in Barcelona. On the one day that it did rain, for about two hours, we were traditional southern Californians and flipped out. We hid under awnings, jumping from one to the other, and ultimately caved and purchased durable umbrellas (we learned that our So. Cal umbrellas were no match for the rain of Europe, on our last two adventures, when the kept flipping up). It was slightly pointless, since the rain pretty much ceased minutes after.

This day, we spent the afternoon returning to a favorite tapas spot, discovering an amazing chocolate shop (yes, the donut was delicious…), exploring the small allies and shops, and eventually settled ourselves at a side-walk cafe to sip a little cava sangria. For a day filled with lots of exploration, these shoes were a necessary companion. I picked them up before the trip and couldn’t have been happier. They literally feel as if I am walking on clouds (not that I really know how that feels, it just seemed like a great comparison). And the jacket? Well, I felt as though it added a European flair to an otherwise very basic American favorite: jeans and a tee 🙂 Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!

sightseeing outfit, distressed denim, itsy bitsy indulgences

blue leather jacket, itsy bitsy indulgences



{Outfit Details: Jacket: BlankNYC | Jeans: 7fam, similar | Tee: Nodstrom | Scarf: J. Crew | Shoes: New Balance x Madewell | Sunglasses: Valentino | Purse: Chloe}