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Lunettes de Soleil + Sunglasses Shop Giveaway

white vest, denim skirt, spring street style

One of the first high end designer pieces I received was a pair of Chanel sunglasses (lunettes de soleil) for my birthday. I had my eye on them for a few months and when I tore open the packaging (there is no method to my madness when opening a gift) I was both ecstatic and nervous. I promised myself to always take care of them… place them in their case, frequently clean the lenses, and never ever drop them (or place them face down on a surface… still one of my biggest pet peeves to this day). Call me a crazy lady, but nice things should be respected. After four years of keeping to my promise, my last semester of college came. Amidst the excitement of graduation festivities, the stress of finals, and the sadness of moving from San Diego, it was safe to say I was stressed. Right before a final, I placed the sunglasses down in the library (out of the case!!) and looked over some last minute notes. When I realized that it was time to go (like, now), I threw everything in my bag and quickly headed out to class. When the final was completed, I went to pull out the sunnies, and they weren’t there. Long story short, I had broken my promise. I had left the coveted sunnies in the library where they disappeared (I have always hoped they ended up in a nice home). Needless to say, I was upset.

Fast forward to now and I am still a crazy lady about my nice-er pieces, and likely even more rigid than before for fear of that same devastating feeling (and yes, I realize this is an exaggeration… there are far greater things to be devastated about in life than a lost item…). So, when we were approached by the Sunglasses Shop to pick out a favorite pair of designer glasses, what gal could say no? Then, when they so graciously offered to giveaway a pair to our readers, we were thrilled! In honor of the Easter holiday this weekend, we’ve teamed up with The Sunglasses Shop to offer one lucky reader a pair of Ralph Lauren Sungalsses (see below for all details!).

And, on a completely unrelated note today is Good Friday and I am reminded of the Easter holiday this Sunday. For Allison and me (and our family) it is a day to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus and the salvation that was provided to us. It is a weekend filled with family celebrations (a little Easter egg coloring too :)), and a beautiful church service on Sunday morning (maybe followed by a mimosa or two). We hope you have a blessed Easter weekend and happy Fri-yay!


white vest, fringe bag, denim skirt

fringe purse

white vest, denim skirt

ralph lauren sunglasses

pink and white gerber daisies {Outfit Details | Skirt: Current Elliot (on sale) | Vest: Forever 21 (good quality) | Top: J. Crew | Purse: sold out, similar here, here, here (and see other options below) | Sandals: J. Crew (25% off) | Sunglasses: c/o Sunglasses Shop (see below for giveaway details) | Green Bracelet: c/o Geoffrey Scott (ITSYBITSY for 10% off) | Gold Bangle: Gorjana | V necklace: Gorjana | Long Necklace: Gorjana (sold out, simial here)}

Similar Fringe Bags

Giveaway Details:

You can win your choice of a pair of Ralph Lauren Sunglasses. Giveaway will run from 4/3/15 to 4/8/15 at 12 am PST. Giveaway is open to international readers as well. Please follow the rafflecopter instructions below to enter and good luck!

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