
Weekend Recap

Disneyland Christmas Lights{Is there really any better place to see Christmas Lights than Disneyland?? I didn’t think so…}

With Christmas week upon us (okay, we’re one day into the week already) I can’t help but look back on the past weekend in semi-shock that none of it involved the hustle and bustle in preparation for this week’s festivities. With a day spent at Disneyland (Allison) and an overnight jaunt to San Diego (me), we politely passed on the weekend rush. I’m sure it will catch up to us this week…. as I’m already creating a long to-do list of activities for tomorrow! I’m actually feeling quite behind this year… Christmas cards are addressed, but haven’t been sent, gifts are purchased, but haven’t been wrapped, Christmas Eve meal is planned, but the food has yet to be purchased. If you need me tomorrow, I’ll be in my car, running errands :)!

hotel salomar san diego ça{TJ and I headed down to San Diego for an overnight stay at Hotel Solamar, a favorite}

Searsucker San Diego Ca

searsucker san diego ca

searsucker san diego ça{First stop? Brunch at Searsucker, in downtown. Live music, beautiful decor, and some mimosas… what else could you ask for?? Oh, and the food was delicious as well!}

san diego sunset{So. Cal sunsets have been stunning lately!}

Puesto San Diego

Puesto san Diego {A delicious dinner at Puesto… the La Paloma’s are delish}

San Diego skyline{Beautiful San Diego sunrise}

photo-19{Stairs + a bay run for a morning workout}

The mission san diego {Breakfast at The Mission immediately followed the workout :))