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Sunday Morning French Toast…

Have you ever woken up on the weekends (well, okay, any morning…) and had the intense craving for a childhood favorite? For me those typically include pancakes, waffles, french toast, all those breakfast goodies that fall under the “indulgent” category. Well, I get these cravings frequently. Instead of denying myself of these breakfast delights, I have simply found alternative ways of making them that don’t take away from the taste AND are friendly to the waist line! Isn’t that the true balance?? Find below one of my favorites. I call it “Sunday Morning French Toast.” Pair this with some tea, coffee, or an espresso and you have a delightfully relaxing weekend (or any day of the week) breakfast!

French Toast

french toast #2


I hope you find this just as delicious as the hubby and I do (on a very regular basis)!!

Enjoy & thanks for reading!

<3, Shannon