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Super Chips!

It’s March, which means everything (or just some things) should be green in order to honor St. Patrick’s Day! Therefore, in honor of this green month, we are going green (though not necessarily environmentally speaking) and featuring a variety of ways to incorporate this color into your daily life this month. To start, we will be featuring one green superfood a week, and a different way of cooking/eating it. This week, we’re featuring KALE! To me, kale is the super-est superfood. It has loads of Vitamin C, fiber and flavenoids (contributing to anti-inflammatory effects). Not to mention they have been proven to reduce the risk of five of the most common cancers, as well as lower cholesterol. Is there any reason we shouldn’t be eating kale?

However, I’m one of those unfortunate people who craves chips and salty foods. Constantly. Clearly, Cheetos (even the baked kind) are not my best option. So when I heard of kale chips I figured it was worth a shot! So I came up with this recipe that is extremely easy and quick! Seriously, the worst cook in America could make this!


At least 3 large curly kale leaves (this is the most common type of kale found in grocery stores)

2 garlic cloves

Olive oil

a pinch of salt

a pinch of pepper


Start tearing the leaves of the kale off, making sure not to include any of the stem. The stems do not crisp in the oven, and they just add an unpleasant chewiness if not removed. Use A LOT-once they start cooking they will shrink like you wouldn’t believe. Put the leaves on a cookie sheet.

Dice the 2 garlic cloves and spread across the cookie sheet on top of the kale. This will infuse a delicious garlic-y flavor!

Drizzle olive oil on top of kale, as much as you desire (I try not to use too much…olive oil is great for you: lots of heart-healthy fats… but only in moderation!)

Sprinkle a pinch of salt over kale, as well as a bit of pepper.


Broil in the over at 400 degrees for about 10 minutes. Turn them over halfway through (at 5 minutes).

Voila! That’s all it takes! Pull them out of the oven and you have a cancer-busting, immune-boosting snack/side for any meal…all while satisfying your cravings!


I hope you feel extra super after making these! Stay tuned for more GREEN things!


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