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The Ultimate Sugar Cookie

On Sunday, I was talking to one of my first grade students at Sunday School about what she and her family were doing to prepare for Christmas. Her first response: “buying cookies for Santa and lettuce for the reindeer!” It was one of the most precious things I’ve heard…I never even thought about the reindeer! It got me thinking about what Shannon and I used to do to prepare for the most exciting arrival of Santa and all his flying reindeer. One of our favorite and longest-lasting traditions is the sugar cookie. Not just any sugar cookie, mind you-it is ultimate. All of our friends and family love our annual sugar cookies for their fluffiness and lightness (not light in the sense of low-cal!)! Every year, “Santa” would eat all of the cookies we left for him, and we would be left a note about how delicious they were! It’s a family recipe, but we are happy to share the magical ingredients to our scrumptious Christmas sugar cookies!


 sugar cookie dough

 cookie cutters







In case you missed it, here’s the recipe:

sugar cookies recipe

Not only are they delicious, but they’re visually appealing too! We can’t wait to spend the next 15 days indulging in these festive treats…what kind of treats do you make for Santa this time of year??