
Weekend Recap: Vegas

I love the feeling of anticipation. The planning, the talking, it all sets the stage for excited expectations. This past weekend we headed out to Vegas for the highly anticipated (and third annual) three best friend’s trip. Each year the anticipation grows, and each year the event lives up to those bubbling feelings of excitement. Yet, sometimes, I can’t help but feel a small dip in my mood when the planning and preparation goes away, the event is lived, and then what? I hope that’s a normal feeling that you can identify with, because I’ve noticed that after every highly anticipated event, I experience a lull… a longing for that anticipation again. The beauty of the timing of this annual trip is that it falls on the heels of the holidays. As we said good-bye to one “I-can’t-wait-for-it-to-be-here” event, we roll right into the festive holiday season! So with that, our weekend recap is a way for me to relieve that anticipation while looking forward to all that is to come!

IMG_0428{We found this fortune slightly ironic as we waited to board our plane… not sure if this is the type of fortune you want before you board the plane for Vegas??}

IMG_0672{Our humble abode for the weekend! A perfect balance of class and sophistication, floors above a bubbling casino.}

vegas 2{Always a sucker for fabulous mixology: Chocolate-tini, Bloody Mary, and table side grill-them-yourself s’mores. Also, there may or may not have been a late night delivery of Cronuts to our room…. So maybe this trip wasn’t so itsy bitsy on the indulgence side?}

IMG_0640{Pouring rain and aimlessly walking the strip… only to end up right back to where we had breakfast that morning….}

IMG_0673{What to do when your hands are frozen and hair is frizzed from the rain? Naturally, hot toddies and champagne will warm you up! Hanging out at Citizens… great vibe, food ,and drinks!}

IMG_0682{Someone had success at the Roulette Table…}

IMG_0690{En route to Jersey Boys… which we highly recommend.}

IMG_0748{Post dinner cocktails!}

vegas{Laguna Champagne Bar in The Palazzo Hotel & Casino… a must see if you’re a champagne lover}

IMG_0768{Remnants from an amazing weekend!}

IMG_0778{As we leave one anticipated event behind us, we feel fortunate to have numerous celebrations in the coming weeks.}

AND… to balance off those cocktails, Cronuts, and s’mores we’re hitting the gym hard this week! One move we’re for sure including is this Women’s Health Weekend Challenge to firm up those triceps!

Speaking of anticipation… this Jimmy Kimmel challenge epitomizes the innocence of a child’s holiday experience!

Looking for a few special pieces for those holiday celebrations? Check out these earrings, dress, tights, and shoes!

We hope you have a fabulous week anticipating the Thanksgiving holiday! What are your plans??