Yesterday morning, on our way to hike Diamond Head, we stopped in a small restaurant to have some breakfast. As we were finishing up, I went to use the restroom (pregnancy problems) and Harper followed in toe. Usually this is fine, lately it’s been a disaster… and this time wasn’t any different. Mid “doing my thang” she decided to unlock the single stall door, throw it wide open, and “go see dadda….”
TJ + I could probably write a book filled with stories similar to this… and worse… all while on our travels. While it’s easy to post the perfect photos over on instagram, the reality is that traveling with a toddler isn’t always a breeze… and takes a lot of work. Over the past several years, we’ve found a few ways that TJ + I can enjoy each other’s company and have fun together, all while having Harper there with us…. and since I frequently get asked questions as to how we travel with a toddler, I decided to share a few of those ways with you today….
1. Modify Your Expectations: So let’s just put this out here, traveling with a toddler isn’t the same as going on your honeymoon… and I mean that literally. If you expect it to be super relaxing, for everything to go smoothly, and for there to be no bumps in the road then you’re setting yourself up for failure. TJ and I go into any trip, fully aware, that sleep will be off, there will be meltdowns because of this, and that doing whatever we (as a couple) want isn’t possible. It’s not so much a vacation, but more of a trip. Once we modified our expectations, we started to become pleasantly surprised…. “Woohoo, little miss slept until 6am when we thought she would wake up at 4am…”
2. Take Advantage of Bedtime: Anytime we book a hotel room, we look at the room size and configuration to figure out where Harper will sleep (she still loves her pack n’ play…but I do know that won’t last much longer)…. typically the hallways are long enough that we initially put her down there and then move her into the main room at bedtime… or if we’re staying in a suite, that’s an obvious answer. Either way, once Harper goes down, we take advantage of the time together. When I could we’d have some vino or bubbly… and chat about life, or play a fun game together (our recent favorite is “Heads Up”)… or pick a movie we’ve been waiting to see and watch it together in bed. We toss on our comfy clothes, always, and chill. On this past trip, we both brought along our new favorite Jockey pieces….. I’ve been wearing this bralette (now own it in two color options)… and these shorts are perfect for sleeping/lounging around (as are these cozy pants)…. TJ brought along these Modal Stretch boxer briefs + undershirts (fit very well) and both are multi-functional for lounging or heading out and about (he wears the tees with these lounge pants all the time). If your guy is in need of some new under thangs, then be sure to check out their Pima Cotton or Modal Stretch lines… both super soft + excellent quality….
Whatever you wear, be sure you’re comfortable and take advantage of the alone time you have together. Do something fun… disconnect… and laugh about something crazy that happened during the day (because you know there is likely something)… you might be sitting in the dark with the iPhone flashlight on, talking in a low whisper (in the corner of the room… not saying we’ve done this or anything….)… but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do.
3. Balance Out Kiddo Activities With Adult Activities: Something we’ve found to be really helpful is finding the balance between Harper activities + our activities. Take today for example, hiking Diamond Head wasn’t something Harper asked to do… but she came along with us… and then we spent the rest of the afternoon splashing by the pool. It’s not always a perfect balance, but I find that when we’re able to do so, it makes for a much more pleasant trip. And, I’ve also found that it helps Harper to become adaptable… while we roll with her punches, she also learns to go along with the activities we have too… and often has just as much fun (I’m sure she had a lot of fun watching TJ carry her more than halfway up Diamond Head….).
4. Wear Them Out: TJ + I wrote this post together… and he insisted on this one… and I’d have to agree. The more you can wear that little tike out, the more pleasant the evening hours will be. If you’re some place tropical… swim, run in the sand… go with them on the slide 20 times (speaking from personal experience)… If you’re in an urban environment, find your way to a park for a lunchtime picnic and have them run their hearts out… hold their hands and allow them to walk (if you’re comfortable…)…. come up with silly games you can all play together (hide + seek… tag… racing… it’s also fun to relive those games with your SO….)they wear you out, and the more you wear them out, the easier they go down at night. On the trips where Harper goes, goes goes, she falls asleep within minutes of her head hitting the pillow. And the easier they go down at night, the more enjoyable your evening together is.
And while most people tell me it’s just “easier to stay home…” I can’t argue with them. Yet, if I can do the whole parenting thing some place new, while making memories, then I’m all for that too. Happy travels + happy Friday!
(Outfit Details || My Shorts (3 color options) | Bralette | TJ’s Tee | TJ’s Boxer Briefs)
Thank you to Jockey for sponsoring this post….