One of my favorite things to do when we visit Hawaii is to take long morning walks on the beach….and then have a mimosa poolside. I’ve always loved vacation for the sheer fact that it literally allows you to vacate life for a little while…. operate on a “no agenda” basis….. yet, I still like to maintain a sense of balance between that “vacation life” and the everyday healthy living when I’m back at home. Over the years, I’ve figured out ways to be able to create some balance on vacation…. from enjoying the delicious meals + libations…. to squeezing in workouts…. so I decided to share them with you today…. juuuuust in case you’ll be traveling sometime soon and are looking to strike a balance.
1. Use It To See New Places: While it can sometimes seem like working out on vacation cuts into your “down” time, if you use it as a way to see new places it’s really like killing two birds with one stone. Last trip to Maui, we went on a morning hike to the heart rock…. it was a rigorous workout, and we were able to check the landmark off of our “to-see” list. In Barcelona, we were training for a half marathon (it was the weekend after we returned….). So, we laced up, went on a 10 mile city run and saw so many of the gorgeous sites. You don’t even have to have a destination in mind. We often squeeze in beachside HIIT workouts when in Hawaii…. a simple way to get the heart rate up while enjoying the sounds of the ocean. Working out in a new city actually makes the workout fun, and it goes by super fast since it’s all new territory.
2. Pack Properly: One of the easiest ways to ensure you’ll workout is if you back the right gear. I always opt for pieces that work for several different workouts (i.e. running, hiking, walking, HIIT) and are climate appropriate. For this Hawaii trip, I opted to snag a few Zella items (from Nordstrom exclusively) for our morning walks, runs, and HIIT workouts. I love the Zella line’s price point, and that they’re super well made. I was looking for a great pair of workout shorts, and when I saw this black pair knew that they would be perfect. I love that they breath nicely, and with the button on the side can be made longer for a hike. This perforated mesh tank is a great option too…. easy to throw on and go over my favorite sports bra for any outdoor activity. I also like to bring along black cross trainers that I can do any activity in and not worry about them getting dirty (like, a dusty hike or beachside walk….). A few other favorites from the Zella that would be perfect for a vacation trip include this boxy sweatshirt for cooler mornings (which we for sure had here with the rain….), knotted crop tee, open back tank (love the color), and this stretchy tank that would be perfect for a run or hike.
3. Splurge Meals: I hesitate to use the word “splurge” because if you’re on vacation it’s all about enjoying yourself. Yet, for me personally, if I’m eating foods I wouldn’t normally eat at every meal I tend to feel sick (literally, I’ve done it on several trips and that’s how I felt…). So, I typically try to include as many fruits + veggies as possible, and then pick a meal to throw caution to the wind to…. maybe an indulgent brunch…. nachos at lunch…. or maybe it’s a decadent dessert. Over the years I’ve found this strategy to work really well… and allows me to feel like I’m fully taking advantage of vacation life…..
(Outfit Details || Tank (3 color options) | Shorts (3 color options) | Sports Bra | Hat (several color options) | Sneakers)
Thank you to Nordstrom for sponsoring this post.