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14 Days of Valentine’s

We’ve all heard of the 12 Days of Christmas…. I decided to do the 14 Days of Valentine’s for my hubby! Since it’s only really been 8 days of Valentine’s Day, I haven’t finished it all up, but thought that I’d share what I’ve done thus far. I love to give. I love seeing the smile on the other person’s face. It’s been a kinda a rough week, so doing the 14 days has provided me with the opportunity to make someone else smile, which has made me feel better in return! I also took a nod from the book “The Five Love Languages,” as I created my small gifts. I highly recommend the book… especially in light of this “love” holiday. It’s all about loving someone in the way they need to receive love. You wouldn’t give someone a gift that you would want, right (I sure wouldn’t give the hubs that pair of shoes I’ve been eyeing!)? You’d give them a gift that they would want (okay, the pair of shoes HE’S been eyeing!). Check it out, you won’t be sorry! Here are some photos of the gifts!



{His absolute favorite indulgence… Peanut butter M&M’s}




{New Pilsner glasses and two of his favorite craft beers Matilda and Allagash}

How will you indulge your special someone?

~ Shannon <3