Today’s post was actually born by accident. I was hanging out with Harper one morning, and while she was doing some exploring around the room (and by exploring, I mean pulling everything out of the shelves…), I decided to finish my workout from the morning. I had gone on an early morning run, but hadn’t yet completed my strength training component. As I pulled out my weights and started to squat (as in, doing my squats….), little miss decided she wanted in on the action too by crawling up my leg. I quickly realized that if I was going to finish my circuit, I was going to need to wear her. So I pulled out my baby carrier, plopped her in, and started the routine. I thought that maybe she would tolerate it and I’d get in a few moves. To my surprise, she was giggling and smiling the entire time…. and so this workout was born.
Over the past few months I’ve realized that the name of the game is flexibility in parenting, and that applies to my workouts as well. While I would love to spend a leisurely hour at the gym, that just isn’t always possible. What is possible, is a morning cardio session, followed up by some strength training at home. Wearing little miss is an added bonus too…. think extra resistance… a whole 18 extra pounds of it!
You can watch the video below for the entire circuit. Complete it 4xs, with a 2 minute rest in between, and I guarantee your heart rate will be up and your legs will be begging you to stop. Oh, and if you don’t have a little one to wear, this workout is just as effective… simply use heavier weights.
{Post Details || Leggings | Sweater | Baby Carrier | Weights}