With little miss being so mobile lately (and on the verge of taking those first few steps….), I so often feel as if much of my days are spent following her around, or picking up after the destruction she so innocently left behind (you know what I’m talking about if you follow along on my insta-stories)
On those days that tend to be on the rougher end of the spectrum, I sometimes catch myself thinking back to those times when all I had to think about was myself… Where doing things for myself was as simple as just deciding I wanted to do something…. without needing to ask someone to watch little miss…. or think about the schedule we follow. On a bad day, I might cry…. on a good day, it’s merely a thought, you know, one that simply comes and goes.
In talking with TJ the other evening, we were chatting about what makes some days better than others. As I got to thinking, it all boiled down to self-care, and I remembered this quote that I had seen a while back:
“In the end, I am the only one who can give my child a happy mother who loves life.”
It reminded me of the fact that I am responsible for my own happiness… and by taking time for myself, I am also giving Harper a happy momma. Taking care of myself, or taking time for myself, isn’t selfish, it’s in fact necessary if I’m to be the type of mother I want.
Today I partnered with Aveeno to share with you some simple ways that I practice a little self-care on a daily basis.
1. Working Out: I know that I am at my best when I squeeze in a morning workout. So, I wake up earlier than the rest of the family and head out…. I typically only need 30-40 minutes for those feel good endorphins to give me the boost I need in the morning.
2. Beauty Time: Taking time to myself in my beauty routine is often an investment that leaves me feeling positive throughout the day. Whether it’s taking an extra 5 minutes to apply my favorite face mask… or taking an extra 3 minutes in the shower to give myself a mini pedicure, it’s so worth it. Lately, I’ve been using Aveeno’s daily moisturizing yogurt collection in my routine. I love the creaminess of the body yogurt (especially when I use it right after I’ve given my feet a mini pedi), and the body wash leaves my skin extra soft and smooth. I’m not always a fan of scented body products, but the vanilla + oat, as well as the honey + apricot fragrances,make my skin care routine a little more indulgent. I love that the products leave my skin feeling hydrated for hours without damaging my skin. I’ve always felt that investing in my skin care routine is an excellent way to take care of myself.
3. Have A Drink: When Harper goes down for her nap, I love to enjoy a beverage to myself…. whether it’s my favorite komboocha flavor over ice… or a warm cup of tea, it’s a little treat I give myself that I look forward to every morning. Sometimes, I’ll touch up my manicure… since they never seem to last very long (I wonder why….).
4. Read: I also love to stimulate my mind with a good book. Sometimes, when TJ takes over the evening routine, I take that 30 minutes to myself and read a few pages in a book or magazine.
It’s not always easy to remember to take care of myself… but I’ve found, over the past several months, that the more often I have “moments for me”, no matter how small, the happier of a person I am! I’d love to know how you take care of yourself… as I’m always looking for different ways too!
In partnership with Aveeno