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A Memory Saver: Storing A Lifetime of Moments

hp computer, itsy bitst indulgences

I’ve always been a lover of photos. In the day of polaroids, I carried that bulky sucker around my neck and loved the immediate gratification of being able to see the image within minutes. Then, when film was all the rage, flimsy negatives and portraits overflowed in my closet. From snaps of middle school dances and high school bonfires with friends, you name it, I snapped it. When little miss arrived, I couldn’t help but reminisce over old family photo albums and note the similarities between Harper and me…. and the photos multiplied immensely… oh, she smiled! Snap. She’s lifting her head! Click. She’s wearing a cute headband! Click, Click. She blinked! Double snap… My hope is that, someday, she too will be able to pour over her childhood memories, much in the same way I am able to.

Yet, given my slightly fanatical love of capturing the moment, you can imagine how much digital space I have taken up over the past 6 years. With a wedding, European adventures, Hawaiian vacation, and the birth of little miss, I’ve basically run out of space everywhere. I have several external hard drives filled to capacity with every photo I’ve taken over the past several years. My dropbox account has been filled (and due to inactivity it was closed…. goodbye Cabo photos). I pretty much need more digital storage for my photos than I do for my tangible items (although, with a baby that need is catching up).

So, when I was given the option to try out HP’s new 17″ laptop, I jumped on the opportunity. I was immediately drawn to the storage…. 2 terabytes to be exact. That’s pretty much a digital-photo-obsessed gal’s dream. It would take me years to utilize that much digital storage. I’ve always experienced a delay in processing speed as my computer fills up with digital photos…. yet, as I began to upload my photos the speed did not diminish…. meaning I didn’t have to waste time that this new mamma doesn’t have waiting for my computer to work. A memory keeper that doesn’t waste my time? I’ll take it!

memories with hp, itsy bitsy indulgences

memories with hp, itsy bitsy indulgences

memories with hp, itsy bitsy indulgences

memories with hp, itsy bitsy indulgences

memories with hp, itsy bitsy indulgences

memories with hp, itsy bitsy indulgences

*Thank you to HP for sponsoring this post and making Itsy Bitsy Indulgences possible. All opinions expressed are my own.