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Wellness Wednesday: Why I’m Not Doing BBG Anymore + Committing To A Balanced and Active Summer

old navy activewear, itsy bitsy indulgences

Well, I finished BBG (first review here). All 12 weeks of it, and thought I’d share some of my thoughts about the process. First off, I think it’s an excellent program for anyone. It combines resistance training, along with cardio, and provides a meal plan to follow to help and assist in toning up the body. It’s a great balance of working out and eating clean.

When I first started BBG I loved it. Having been a cardio gal (and incorporating weights a few days a week) for years, I found the level of intensity challenging and the different workouts invigorating. I noticed strength returning, as well as my overall endurance. It was something I could easily complete in the morning before Harper woke up, and if I went on vacation, I could complete a quick workout in the hotel room. The circuits were challenging, and I was definitely tired at the end.

Yet, as I started to reach the last 4 weeks of the program, something began to shift for me. I started feeling unmotivated… almost dreading the process. I, personally, felt that the circuits were becoming too repetitive, and I was no longer gaining from it mentally and emotionally. You see, for me, working out is about the mind clearing experience as well and the physical challenge. When I lace up my shoes for a run, or click my spin shoes in for a spin class, I expect to be able to get lost in my thoughts…. and when done, feel refreshed and ready for the day. While BBG does have a cardio component, I just started to realize that it was too regimented for me. It left little time to incorporate my love of yoga and free weights. So, two weeks ago, early Friday morning, I didn’t do it. I decided my body wasn’t feeling it, and opted for my favorite power yoga video (which left me equally as sore the next day as one of my first BBG circuits did). I felt reinvigorated.

I also felt as though I was committing so much of my time to BBG that I was forgetting about my one true love: running (that runner’s high is something you just can’t beat). When I was challenged by Old Navy to make a summer commitment to health and fitness, I decided now was as good as any time to recommit myself to another half marathon (you can read about my love of running here, here, here). After chatting with TJ about it, we decided to train together and registered for the Healdsburg half-marathon (up in Napa, where we can sip a little vino post run, duh) in October. I’ve committed myself to waking up 30 minutes earlier, 3 days a week to fit in a few longer runs…. and TJ and I will tackle some longer runs on the weekend as well. I feel inspired. I feel challenged. Most of all, I feel excited to be lacing up again. You can join the challenge to live an active, and balanced lifestyle too! I’d love to know what you’re doing to maintain that #balance in life (I mean, we have to balance out that rosé somehow, riiiiight??).

So…. for a quick Pro/Con review of BBG:


1. Can do at home
2. Easy to complete the resistance trainings in 28 minutes
3. Provides a great meal plan to help assist in clean eating and strength training
4. It was a great program for me as I figured out how to balance being a new mom with a little one
5. Helped me figure out how to create my own HIIT workouts (which I can now incorporate once a week if I choose to do so)


1. Became repetitive after a while (circuits started looking + feeling the same)
2. Resistance workouts are high intensity, which I equate to higher burnout… and hard on the joints (I was starting to feel very olllld)
3. If you like to choose your workout based on how you feel that day, this likely isn’t for you
4. For me, it did not incorporate enough free weights (my post-preggo legs and arms were yearning for this!)

As I mentioned above, I’d love to know what you’re doing to live an active and balanced lifestyle this summer!


{Outfit Details || Tank (wearing a small), Shorts (wearing a small), Sports Bra (wearing a small), Shoes (super comfortable), Sunglasses… I also have these floral shorts, mesh top, and leggings to keep me motivated all summer}

old navy activewear, itsy bitsy indulgences

old navy activewear, itsy bitsy indulgences

old navy activewear, itsy bitsy indulgences

old navy activewear, itsy bitsy indulgences

old navy activewear, itsy bitsy indulgences

old navy activewear, itsy bitsy indulgences


Thank you to Old Navy for sponsoring this post