Working out on vacation has always been something I have enjoyed. After an evening of champagne (and likely an indulgent meal) there is nothing I like more than a good sweat session…. and when I’m in Hawaii, it’s the perfect opportunity to spend some time outside on the gorgeous beach. The other day Allison (my sister for those of you who don’t know) and I decided to create our own beach workout to work off those mai tais and pulled pork from the night before (back to clean eating when I return from vacation!). We wanted a full body workout…. something that would work the legs, abs, and arms. So we decided to incorporate exercises that would do just that…
I had every intention of taking pictures of myself doing the exercises as a tutorial, but when the workout was over I was too sweaty and beat to do anything that required any kind of thinking. So, I linked a few tutorials to demonstrate the moves that might need a little more explanation! You can do this workout anywhere… but the sand adds a tad bit more resistance. If you choose to do it, I’d love to know how you liked it!
Complete each circuit 2xs, with each circuit being 7 minutes (complete as many sets as possible in that 7 minute timeframe, I got this idea from BBG). Once you have completed 7 minutes of circuit 1, move onto circuit 2, with a 30 second break in between.
Circuit 1:
24 X Jumps
2 100 yard sprints
30 jackknife sit-ups
30 walking lunges
Circuit 2:
15 push-ups
50 jumping jacks
30 lateral walking lunges
40 ab bikes
And… if you’re in the market for some summer fitness attire, I can’t recommend this mesh tank and biker shorts more! Excellent quality and price point… and zella is one of my favorite fitness brands for cute and sturdy pieces.
{Outfit Details || Tank: Zella | Shorts: Zella | Sports Bra: Zella (similar) | Sunglasses: Le Specs}