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Weekend Recap

carmel sunset, itsy bitsy indulgences {Made it just in time on Friday night to catch the sunset}

This weekend TJ and I jetted up to Carmel-By-The-Sea for a little rest and relaxation. We’re still here, as I type this post, so this recap will be a little shorter than usual. I’m typically someone who goes on vacation and likes to have “no agenda” with a general idea of what the day might look like… and if that’s “no agenda,” I’m good with that. I know, it contradicts itself :). Yet, this weekend we went with that theme… of not having any set in stone plans, and it has been an amazing time thus far. I saw a quote this evening that read “The unexpected moment is the sweetest.” So true. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in making plans, that I forget that life happens is what happens between all of it. So, here’s to a week of unexpected moments 🙂

Also, if you haven’t noticed, the site has been re-vamped. I hope you like it! It was updated Friday, and there hasn’t been much time since then to complete some small loose ends. They’ll be done within the week though, and I’ll be back to explain how to better navigate the site! Until then, thanks for reading… and keep your eyes open for a complete Carmel re-cap this week.

Bixby Knolls Bridge, itsy bitsy indulgences {A morning spent hiking in Big Sur… stopped at the Bixby Knolls Bridge}

L'Auberge Carmel, itsy bitsy indulgences {A little Halloween simplicity}

sunset picnic, itsy bitsy indulgences {An impromptu sunset picnic… haven’t had Martinelli’s since before I was 21 🙂 shoes (currently on-sale!)}

milk and cookies, itsy bitsy indulgences{Oatmeal raisin cookies and a side of rain}

This weekend’s workouts consisted of lots of hikes, a quick beach circuit, and a leisurely walk. If you’re looking for a move to work your entire body all at once, check out this week’s fitness challenge.

I didn’t do much shopping (ok, none) this weekend, but I do have a few items sitting in my shopping cart :). I’m loving these distressed jeans (with a bellaband of course!), picked up this comfy sweater in grey for the trip, these pink cross training shoes, an iconic trench coach (for the impending El Nino), and this jumpsuit (perfect for the upcoming holiday season!).