
Weekend Recap

haute cakes cafe newport beach ca{Saturday morning breakfast at Haute Cakes}

Shannon:  The highlight of this weekend has to have been celebrating mom. I felt so lucky to be able to enjoy a beautiful Sunday celebrating her. In her true fashion, she spent the day hoping it was perfect for everyone else (making a gluten free/dairy free lemon bar for Allison and I…)… and that’s what I love most about her. The loving, caring, and compassionate woman that she is. I hope that someday I can be at least half of the mother that she was (and continues to be to me). She has played so many different roles in my life in all the varying phases I went through… and she played them all perfectly, at just the right time. Sometimes (okay, maybe more than once) I required a limit-setter, other times I just needed a cheerleader, and when I felt I had no one else, she was always my friend. And that is what I think makes a beautiful mother… and woman who can see what their child needs, in that specific time, put that “hat” on, and fulfill that need. For that, I am (and will continue to be) eternally grateful.

Allison: This weekend was truly a mom-needed weekend. I spent the weekend sick and [mostly] in bed. Does anyone else, despite being a fully grown independent adult, still yearn for Mom’s care and nurturance when you’re sick? Well, I do. And when my mom offered me homemade chicken noodle soup, all I wanted to do was completely regress to my 6 year old self, curl up in a blanket on her couch, and have her spoon feed me cough syrup. But alas, that’s not socially (or in any other way) acceptable, so I put my big girl pants on and downed my antibiotics with a tall glass of red wine. Come Mother’s Day I was able to be with Mom and celebrate all the amazing, sometimes seemingly impossible things she does for me and our family. She is truly a blessing, and I’ll never be too old to appreciate the bond and friendship that we have been blessed enough to cultivate over the past 25 years.

flowers, newport beach ca{It’s always so hard to choose….}

farmers market strawberries, itsy bitsy indulgences {Fresh berries for a mother’s day celebration}

 homemade lemonade, itsy bitsy indulgences {A delicious, low sugar (made with Stevia) homemade lemonade}

The sick diet is not a healthy one (someone may have been too lazy/sick to cook on a Saturday night and ordered a pizza….) so here’s to the Women’s Health Weekend Challenge!

Weekend Wishlist: As my boyfriend lovingly informed me, “I hear retail therapy is an FDA approved treatment for Bronchitis.” I swear that man gets me. So I also spent Saturday night online shopping. I’ve been eye balling this swimsuit top, or this Hawaiian inspired top (of course) because it’s almost summer after all. And with any bathing suit, you have to have a coverup, duh.

In addition, I’ve been seeking out a pair of neutral open toed heels for Spring/Summer and have narrowed the field to these simple gold beauties (on sale!) or these classic blush tones…can’t I just get both???

 Happy Monday!