
Half Marathon Training with Gals Who Run!


Remember that one time I ran a half marathon? Sometimes I try not to. It was such a challenge, both physically and mentally, that when we reflect on it, one of the first memories that comes to mind is the few choice words that I uttered immediately after crossing the finish line…you know those people who cross the finish line with their arms up, smiling from ear to ear in celebration? Yeah, that was NOT me. I promised myself I would never run another half marathon again.

So, I’m running another half marathon in February (did someone say de ja vu?). I walked away last year feeling pretty dissatisfied with my experience, my time, and my attitude throughout the whole race. However, this time I’m doing things VERY differently. I’m organizing myself much better, and running according to a guide…because, clearly, my last plan of just running however far and when I felt like it didn’t pay off in all the ways I was hoping for. This time, I am utilizing the assistance of friend, fellow runners (albeit, they’re professionals), and all-around fitness gurus, Sheri Matthews (also a friend!) and Teresa Howes. Their website, gals who run, offers all sorts of amazing advice: from marathon and half marathon guides, meal and food plans (try 73 new recipes!), how to get in the right mindset, race must-knows, a fabulous blog, and bonus material… their site is a one stop shop for all things running.

We happen to know, from personal experience, that they know what they’re talking about. If you recall, last summer, we did an entire Day of Fitness in San Diego with Sheri (as seen here), and were pooped by the end! They offer a fantastic half-marathon training guide  (as well as a full marathon training guide for you super ambitious friends) and intro video to get you motivated! I know that I’ll be personally using this training guide to effectively and safely train for my next half marathon, and I’m already feeling more confident that I will be able to improve my time AND my attitude, making this an all-around better race experience than the first time around. Join me!

And what’s a better way to gain a little extra dose of motivation than by getting some cute gear? Here are some of my favorites!

workout gear 
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