
Fall Style || Leopard Flats

The other day, when I picked Harper up from preschool, she told me that one of the little girls in her class was pulling her hair. I could feel my insides starting to become very protective. I calmly asked her what happened, and as she explained to me the situation, I listened. After she was finished talking, I realized that I couldn’t just let it end at that. I asked her how she felt about it… she said it hurt… and I validated her feelings. I then encouraged her to tell the little girl, if it happens again, “Please stop, I don’t like it when you do that,” and to let an adult know about the situation. She said ok… we role played it later that evening… and then again yesterday morning before school. When I picked her up yesterday she immediately let me know that “she didn’t pull my hair today mommy….”

As a mom, it’s my hope that I instill within my girls a firm, yet polite, way to convey their thoughts, feelings, and desires. I never want them to move passively throughout life… letting situations affect them and feeling helpless to stick up for themselves, or voice their concerns.

That being said, I had to take a look at myself this week. We’ve been complaining about our (dishonest) contractor for the past several weeks. TJ has attempted to handle the situation, with some success, but met with defensiveness + hostility. Wednesday afternoon, two full weeks past when we should have been done, I had enough + told TJ I was taking over communication with our contractor. I firmly, yet politely, conveyed what my expectations were to our contractor, and didn’t let him beat around the bush. At all. He showed up yesterday. He finished the job yesterday. We have our final inspection this morning. If all goes well, we’ll be moving in tomorrow.

All that to say, if I want to teach my girls anything, I have to show them how to do it. It’s not merely enough to walk the talk… I have to talk the talk as well. If I want them to be kind, I have to be kind. If I want them to be confident, I must be confident. I could go on and on. As Harper gets older, I continue to realize how much my behaviors will impact how she views herself and her capabilities to handle life.

This wasn’t my intended post for today, but it’s what was on my mind….

And with that, I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Fall temperatures over here (insert praise hands). See you on Monday! xx

(Outfit Details || Sweater | Jeans | Shoes (c/o) | Harper’s Jumpsuit (ZARA, sold out) | Shoes | Camille’s Jumpsuit (ZARA, sold out) | Camille’s Turban)