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3 Ingredients For A Leisurely Weekend & One Delicious Smoothie

baby bump and puppy, itsy bitsy indulgences

When I was in my early 20’s the weekends had an entirely different meaning to them. In the first part of my 20’s I was in college… which meant the weekends were for late nights, early (read: 2am) burrito indulgences, and sleeping in late to avoid the ramifications of the night before. Upon graduation, I moved directly into graduate school, which meant the weekends were crammed with studying (not fun.). By my late 20’s there was the need to connect with friends as often as possible with the hopes on not missing out on anything fun.

Welcome 30’s, which I have found to be the best generation so far. Where weekends are leisurely, restful, and don’t involve an all out warfare on my body (as it did a decade ago). I’ve found that the secret to the perfect weekend combines a few things:

  1. The perfect casual wardrobe: Daytime clothing is never too done up on the weekends. I save that for the evenings. Therefore the daytime attire must be comfortable, versatile, and practical. This sweater and dress combo from last weekend fit the bill perfectly. And make-up… well… I typically try to keep that minimal during the days 🙂
  2. Plans are kept to a minimum: I used to love having a jam packed weekend. I knew I wasn’t missing out on anything. Now, I cringe at the thought of having to do something every moment of the weekend. Sometimes, going to bed on a Friday night with a “No Agenda” Saturday is the perfect antidote to the 9-5.
  3. Indulgences are balanced: Whereas in my early 20’s the motto was “anything goes,” from an indulgence standpoint, I’ve literally taken on the “itsy bitsy indulgence” lifestyle in the past few years. An indulgent dinner is naturally balanced by a healthy smoothie and workout the following day. It makes me feel good, like I’m staying at a nice equilibrium. With that, you can find my newest smoothie obsession below! It combines some of my favorite fruits, to provide you with a dairy free, delicious and nutritious treat!

Tropical Sunrise (I thought that was a fun name :))

1 cup diced pineapple
1 medium banana, sliced
1 1/2 cups of spinach
1 small peach, skin removed and sliced
1/4 cup of almond milk
1 cup of ice

Combine all ingredients in the blender, in the order listed above.
Blend on medium to high speed for about 30 seconds-1 minute.
Serving size: 2

{Outfit Details || Sweater: c/o Chicwish | Dress: Leith (wear it ALL the time) | Bracelets: c/o The Peach Box | Blender: Nutri Ninja}

green smoothie, clean eating, itsy bitsy indulgences

green smoothie, itsy bitsy indulgences

nutri ninja, itsy bitsy indulgences

baby bump, itsy bitsy indulgences

casual sunday outfit, itsy bitsy indulgences

Three ways to have a leisurely weekend, itsy bitsy indulgences

itsy bitsy indulgences

casual sweater for the weekend, itsy bitsy indulgences

casual sunday morning, itsy bitsy indulgences