
Everyday Style || Internal Chatter + Self Talk

I once read somewhere that if you’re having difficulty figuring out what to write, it’s because you’re not really talking about what’s really happening. So, as I sat here, staring at my computer, I found myself with complete writer’s block. Sure I could talk about yet another top (which, I really do like…)… and I tried to… and erased the draft too many times to count…..  or, I could share a little about what’s been happening over here. I’ve found myself in a slight rut as of late. I’ve spent a few days doing all the regular things I usually do to get out of one…. work out (love that great endorphin release), chat with a friend, do something nice for myself, disconnect from electronics earlier… but none of that seemed to help, and I woke up finding myself in the same place I’d been for the past few days.

As I went about my regular morning routine, I realized I wasn’t talking very nicely to myself. The thoughts that were coming in weren’t necessarily ones that would make anyone feel good about themselves. It all pretty much fell under the same theme of “not doing enough.” I had to take a step back and realize that the internal chatter that was going on was not the way I would ever talk to someone I loved. When I chat with those I care about, I find myself always encouraging them and pointing out their strengths. It’s not the way I would ever talk to Harper either. So, why talk to myself that way?? I’ve seen it written that we should talk to ourselves the way we would talk to a friend and it’s so true. We’re our own harshest critic. Quick to point out our own flaws, shortcomings, or perceived failures. Yet, what if our internal voice changed to that of a cheerleader. How different I imagine I would ultimately feel….

Then, I opened up my daily devotional which started as such “Stop judging and evaluating yourself, for this is not your role….” Hmmmm…..  I guess that one was meant to be. And, religious or not, it’s so true. While we all try our hardest not to judge others, we so easily (or, at least I do) judge our own failures and actions so quickly. So, while I don’t have a “tips” section here today, I simply offer the quote above and the one below as a source of encouragement and inspiration, or possibly a simple reminder….

“Talk to yourself like you would to someone you love…..”

(Outfit Details || Top (4 color options, under $50) | Jacket (similar, BB Dakota has great spring jackets) | Jeans | Mules | Sunglasses | Long Necklace | Cross Cuff | Adjustable Beaded Bracelet | Ball Cuff | Bag)