
17 Week Preg-O Update

freshly picked moccasins

Being well out of the first trimester at this point, I thought I would share some simple reflections, updates, and feelings about my first 17 weeks of pregnancy. Since my last post announcing my pregnancy, and that we are expecting, so much has changed.

General Feelings & Thoughts: I talked a lot about my mixed feelings in the announcement and have continued to work through them. When you’re pregnant, everyone has a piece of advice or comment to give you. Some of it’s positive, some of it’s, to be blunt, very negative. As I’ve worked through a lot of my initial shock and fears, I have had a wonderfully supportive husband to talk through them with. We have decided that our family will be uniquely us. I listen to everything everyone has to say, but filter out the negative. I have to. After a wonderful lunch with my mother, talking about some fears of how our life will change, she told me, “It will change Shannon. That’s a given. It’s up to you and TJ to either let it change things for good or for bad.” That resonated with me. I have come to the realization that while many things remain unknown and out of my control, there are things that are within our control as a couple. We’ve already talked about and made preliminary plans for our first trip, post pregnancy, with baby, and have decided that we will figure it all out from there. I’ve talked with a few avid traveling mammas who all say it’s “so doable,” and not as hard as one might imagine. As far as my concerns for our changing marriage, and how our little girl will impact that, I am already viewing this as positive. To see how excited TJ gets at every doctor’s appointment, to see his face light up when she comes into view on the ultrasound screen, and to hear him tell the doctor last Friday, “I couldn’t sleep last night because I was so excited to hear her heartbeat and see her again,” was priceless. I know we will be okay.

Fears: The first trimester was filled with so many unknowns for me. I catastrophized a lot! With every little pinch and pull in my uterus, I swore the pregnancy was over. I can’t count the number of times I called my mom, swearing that because I didn’t have an unbearable amount of morning sickness the pregnancy wasn’t viable.  I would text my girlfriends (all of whom were so amazing and willing to be supportive), wondering if it was normal. All assured me it was, and all told me that I will never feel 100% certain until that little baby is laying in my arms. I would monitor my symptoms on a daily basis… did they decrease, were they going away?? I would push my boobs… yep… those still hurt! I monitored my fatigue levels… yep…. still tired as ever. One of my girlfriends put my mind at ease when she told me, “She is the safest she will ever be right there inside of you. You are doing everything right.”

Eats: As I mentioned here I was definitely not above those first trimester food aversions. Anything green or raw made me want to gag. I craved heavy proteins… red meat (I’m assuming my body was in need of iron) and chicken. Guacamole was a must at almost every meal. Mexican and Chinese topped the charts too. Since then, my cravings and aversions have drastically subsided. I have an occasional “Ohhh that sounds absolutely amazing…” but it generally subsides within 15 minutes. Example? Yesterday I was craving a Barge’s Diet Root Beer?? I haven’t had one in probably 15 years, but man it sounded good! I’m pretty much back to eating lean vegetarian fed proteins, whole grains (I do GF when I can, but don’t stick to it as regularly), and loads of fruits and vegetables. I still don’t eat dairy, and my doctor has reassured me on several occasions that my blood levels all indicate that isn’t a problem. I supplement that with good old leafy greens!

Exercise: So, those 8 mile Saturday runs came to a screeching halt. My workout routine has changed. I still work out 5-6xs a day, as this is what energizes me and makes me feel good about myself. I stay around a 30-40 minute time frame, and listen to my body. I have created much more variance in my routine though. I envy those pregnant women who can run a half marathon, as I can now barely get through 3-4 miles (this was a big shock for me!!). I have continued spin biking, and have added the elliptical trainer. I lift weights and have continued to incorporate yoga once a week. When TJ and I are in town, we try to enjoy a long leisurely hike as well.

Body: Um, ok… so the belly sprouted almost overnight. I think it was around week 15 where I was like, “Oh! There it is.” I enjoy it though… you see, I can pretty much wear a body-con dress, or a bathing suit, and not have to worry about how my stomach looks in it! It’s quite a liberating feeling! I feel fortunate enough that I can still fit into pre-pregnancy clothing, and my girlfriend was so sweet to buy me a bellaband for when those jeans simply won’t button anymore. I’ve been loving simple dresses, like this grey one and striped one. I’ve also made a few basic tank purchases, and can’t wait to see how they look tucked into a pair of distressed boyfriend jeans, simple gold jewelry, and some of my favorite heels. I’ve actually enjoyed the process of dressing to my new body.

Things I’ve Become More Aware Of: I’ve become much more aware of so many different things. One of the main aspects is how I operate as a person. What are my insecurities, what are my fetishes, and how do I act when I become frustrated? These are the things that my little baby girl will observe, and one day repeat herself, if I am not careful.

What Excites Me Most: I had a friend ask me this question recently and I gave her one response… but I have to add an additional one to it :). Hands down, I am looking forward to raising a little girl. I can’t wait to see what traditions and values TJ and I instill within her. How we come together as a couple to help her grow into a mature and healthy young lady. While I know there are so many years in between, I can’t wait to see how we guide her and help her navigate this world. We’ve researched when we can start reading to her in utero, and tell her we love her nightly. On a more surface level, I simply can’t wait to see what traits she will carry from each of us. I can hands down say I hope she gets TJ’s amazing eye lashes (any woman’s dream!!)!

Recent Purchases: 

For her: These cute little pumas, moccasins, and this life sized giraffe (my mom couldn’t resist:))!

For her room: We made some simple renovations to the room- had recessed lighting put in, had the walls painted (I’m going with white), and purchased this rug.

For me: I’ve made a few clothing purchases lately. Loving this white dress, olive fatigue vest, this chai colored dress for fall, this flutter dress, and at night I live in these black leggings 🙂